
Risk Management in Higher Education

Penulis :
Prof. Dr. Munjin, M.Pd.I
Windariyati Dyah Kusumawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.A.

Penerbit : Rizquna

ISBN : 978-623-5999-88-3

Sampul: Soft Cover
Size: A5
Kertas: Bookpaper

Categories: ,

Risk Management in Higher Education

Risk Management in Higher Education is an effort by the higher education academic community to find new formats for Risk Management and Indonesian courses while anticipating global demands, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is full of risks and challenges. Risk Management at this time must be truly interpreted as a path that is expected to be able to lead the Indonesian nation to produce people with competencies that are relevant to global demands in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This expectation must be accompanied by concrete actions of the entire higher education academic community, to appreciate and implement risk management in the world of education. So the results of Risk Management learning are very important for the development of a risk management culture in Indonesia with students as the spearhead of this culture.

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